1. Electrical case, computer main case, air conditioning case, refrigerator, decorative sheet metal stamping molding and other pressing process.
2. Metal or no
Suitable for tableware, kitchen sink and pot liner, electric motor metal shell, automobile sheet metal tensile parts, cover plate and lighting cover shell parts
1. Electrical appliances, lighting, key body equipment, flower box counterweight block molding and pressing technology.
2. Suitable for metal and non-metal mat
1. Stamping, forming, shallow drawing, shaping, deformation correction and pressure assembly of metal or non-metal parts;
2, hand jewelry, locks, electric box
Suitable for drawing, bending, forming, blanking, flanging and other stamping processes, especially for the following fields:
1. Auto parts: body cover pressin
1, metal or non-metal parts of the impression, forming, shallow stretching, shaping, deformation correction and pressure assembly;
2, hand jewelry, locks, elec