Welcome: Dongguan Jianlong Hydraulic Machinery Co., LTD
lifuyan45@gmail.com 18988729072


Latest Industry Information on Hydraulic Press Applications

The application of hydraulic presses in multiple industries is constantly developing with the advancement of technology and changes in market demand. Understanding and mastering the latest industry trends will guide enterprises in choosing suitable hydraulic machinery. We believe that the following latest industry information extracted by China's intelligent hydraulic machinery manufacturer Jianlong Hydraulic Technology will be of positive help to you in making a normal choice.


Jianlong Hydraulic Technology shares with you the latest industry information in the field of hydraulic press applications:

1. Accelerated application of intelligence and automation

The hydraulic press field is rapidly adopting intelligent technologies, such as control systems that integrate the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies enable hydraulic presses to perform real-time monitoring and data analysis, helping to improve production efficiency and the accuracy of equipment maintenance. This trend is particularly evident in industries such as automotive manufacturing, aerospace, and heavy machinery (Brennan Industries Blog).

2. Promotion of environmental protection and energy-saving technologies:

In response to increasingly stringent environmental protection requirements around the world, hydraulic press manufacturers are developing more energy-saving equipment, such as hybrid hydraulic systems. These systems reduce carbon emissions by recovering energy and reducing energy consumption, and are suitable for fields such as construction, agriculture, and industrial automation (Brennan Industries Blog).

3. Application of new materials

Hydraulic presses are increasingly being used to process lightweight materials, such as carbon fiber and composite materials, to meet the needs of the aerospace and automotive industries for high-strength, lightweight components. This application has driven the market expansion of hydraulic presses in these areas (Brennan Industries Blog).

4. High-performance lubricants and material innovation

In order to extend the service life of hydraulic presses and improve their performance under harsh conditions, the industry continues to introduce high-performance lubricants and corrosion-resistant materials. The innovation of these materials enables hydraulic presses to maintain efficient operation in a wider range of application scenarios (Brennan Industries Blog).


These information show that the hydraulic press industry is evolving towards intelligence, sustainable development and high performance, and these trends are expected to continue to drive technological progress and market growth in the industry in the next few years. If you have any questions about the above information or need more detailed information, please feel free to let us know and we will serve you wholeheartedly.



Contact: Li Fuyan

Phone: 18988729072

E-mail: lifuyan45@gmail.com


Add: Guangyi Industrial Park, No.2 Jinfu West Road, Tanglip, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China